

Reasons To Fly the Confederate Battle Flag

by Al Benson Jr.

A friend in Southwest Virginia recently sent me an article posted by The Virginia Flaggers back in December of last year. It listed 12 reasons to fly the Confederate Battle Flag. I can't list all of them here, but there were some pretty good ones among them so I'd like to comment a bit on them.

 They started off with: It is one of the oldest Christian symbols on Earth (The St. Andrews Cross) and silently but eloquently lets the world know that a Christian family resides at the residence where it is flown. Although many don't comment on it, this is one of the major reasons the Battle Flag is so hated among the communists, socialists, and various other bottom-feeding leftists around the country. The Battle Flag is, indeed, a Christian flag and the leftists hate it because they hate Jesus Christ. To them, He is competing for the Kingdom of God with them and they'd love to dethrone Him, as Satan wanted to do in Matthew 4 but was unable to. His disciples, however, have not given up yet and they still keep trying. Sorry guys, you're not going to make it. If you couldn't keep Him in the tomb on that first Easter morning you won't be able to remove Him from God's right hand now. But you have to keep trying, I guess. After all, when you're beaten you have to do something to keep others from knowing.

Another good reason: It, (the Battle Flag) is a universal symbol of resistance to tyranny, having been sighted flying in nearly every modern day conflict where people were, or are fighting an oppressive and despotic governance. And the leftists and ultra-liberals realize that, and since they are the Fathers of all tyranny in the world today they must automatically hate any symbol that represents resistance to tyranny.

Yet another good one: It is a reminder that Liberty is a God-given right, not a commodity to be controlled by greedy politicians, left-wing liberal teachers, and power-crazed activist judges. And it's also a reminder that Liberty is worth fighting for. You can bet the theological and political Left grits its collectivist teeth when reminded that it is God that bestows liberty, not some socialist regime that tells you that you are free when they toss you a few political crumbs. "If you like your health insurance then you can keep your health insurance." Even their "freedom" is built upon lies!

And another important reason: It lets those who would oppress us, and steal our Liberty know, they have not yet succeeded, and will not have succeeded, until they have killed every last one of us, and destroyed every last Battle Flag. This has seldom happened in any oppressed country throughout history and will not happen here, unless we fail to educate our children about the real meaning of the Flag. And here, we have our work cut out for us. We not only have to educate our children about the meaning of the Battle Flag, but we have to educate them as to what the War of Northern Aggression was really all about and how a Unitarian/socialist Northern government sought to destroy the Christian culture of the South both before and after the shooting was all over. "Reconstruction" was a Marxist program--the term even came from Marx. The hard truth is, unless we start giving our children a Christian education and start doing it seriously, we will lose not only our children but the country as well.

That's a somber thought, but we'd better begin to dwell on it and get those kids out of public  schools that are under the control of our adversaries. You are only one generation away from losing your Christian culture, your heritage and your liberty. What you do with your kids will determine your (and their) future.

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