

A Really Big Confederate Flag In Lexington, Virginia

by Al Benson Jr.

The parochial city of Lexington, Virginia has a new Confederate Battle Flag, on private property, on Route 60, which is just outside of the city limits of Lexington. Thank Heaven for private property, because if the city of Lexington owned all the property then they would be able to drop a large part of their history and heritage right down the memory hole.

You might be curious as to why I labeled Lexington as parochial. Look at it this way. Any city that consciously obliterates part of its history and denies part of its heritage is a city that will not long endure. At some point, its provincialism will become apparent to the point that it will cease to be a place of any importance, and it will eventually be swallowed up in that great nether world of political correctness and "diversity."

This month we celebrate the birthdays of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall) Jackson, probably two of the finest Christian patriots this country has ever produced. However, thanks to the perpetual whining of some disaffected minorities, their memories must now be erased in Lexington and their distinguished places in that city must be denied or at least denigrated. A place that denies the great among them is destined for the ash heap of history. To deny great men is to put emphasis on the mediocre and the pedestrian--and that is what Lexington has deemed is the only way to go. No Confederate flags in that august city--they might "offend" someone who does not want to understand their true history and therefore has an agenda for their demise without any opposition  from the local folks.

Ahh, but there IS opposition, darn it,  and those local rednecks just won't shut up and go home to watch their car races or football games, or whatever else the elite has designed to keep them occupied so they don't notice what is going on. They want to see the symbols of their history and heritage flying aloft without shame--and they have a right to that, contrary to the wishes of the offended minority. These minorities are not the only ones with rights, although they doubtless wish to have it so, as so they work to get ordinances passed that will remove the rights of others so they can exercise theirs with no opposition or competition. But it ain't quite working out in Lexington. Hence that big Confederate Battle Flag out on Route 60--long may it wave!

And we should not hesitate to honor Lee and Jackson, not only in Lexington, but all across the South. Fly your Confederate flags, put new bumper stickers with flags on your pickup trucks, and let people know you are thankful for your heritage--not proud and arrogant, but thankful.

Lee and Jackson were both humble Christian men who relied on Jesus Christ for their salvation, unlike many of those who have days or times commemorating them nowadays and who were the friends of communists and other various assorted leftists.

I wonder if, someday this week, over 1,000 people marched down the main street of Lexington carrying Confederate flags, would the City Council try to have them all arrested? I wonder if such an event would be considered the use of the Cloward/Piven strategy going in reverse. Interesting thought.

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